Numbering Identical Objects in Different Phases

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Phase Manager
General numbering settings
Number parts
same Objects Different Phases
sub part phases
phase numbering

Sometimes, we may have identical objects within a model that must be released at different times, and therefore their numbering must be different. You can tell Tekla to number identical objects differently by assigning each object or set of objects to a separate section (phase), and then using the Phase numbering option in the General numbering settings. The advanced option XS_ ENABLE_ PHASE_ OPTION_ IN_ NUMBERING is available in Tekla 2018 and newer. It will activate the Phase numbering option within the Numbering Setup dialog box. The option will number all the objects in separate phases differently even if they are identical. In older versions, you can use the Phasing Numbering tool to obtain similar results.

Enable and Activate the Phase Option in Numbering

In version 2018i, this option is enabled by default so you can see it and mark it (activate it) in the Numbering Setup dialog. In version 2018, this option is grayed out in the dialog box but can be enabled by setting the Advanced Option XS_ ENABLE_ PHASE_ OPTION_ IN_ NUMBERING to TRUE. To activate the option, the box next to it must be checked.


Separate the Model into Phases

Use the Phase Manager to divide your model into phases as indicated in the linked article. Most preferably, this should be done before adding parts to the model but you can also assign phases after the parts or the complete model have been created, or even after the parts have been assigned to another phase. This can be done by using the options under the Select and the Objects sections of the Phase Manager.


Now, you can use the Number modified objects command to number all the parts that have been modified.
Note: In versions 2019 and newer it is not possible to number identical objects in different phases for Parts within components (single parts) using this method. Currently, you must change the start number of parts (from inside the connection) of a different phase to something higher than the total amount of parts in the previous phase. See here under section "Change series start number for Parts created by components" for instructions.

You can also add separate User phases to identical parts that must have different numbers from the part's User defined attributes on the Modeling Workflow tab. This is different from model phases, and it will affect numbering separately. 
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