Missing Drawings

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Missing drawings
Verify all drawings created
Check missing drawings
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Question: How can I verify that drawings for all parts are accounted for on the Document Manager? 

Answer: Because there are different approaches to creating dawings in Tekla Structures, there are also several ways to ensure that all drawings are created. However, the best way to check after drawings have been created is by using the Document Manager to identify the objects in the model that have associated drawings as indicated in the linked article under section Find model objects that have associated drawings in Document manager.

To check after drawings have been created:

  1. Sort your documents by one drawing type at a time from the left Column. For example, you can start with Assembly drawings only.
  2. Select all drawings from the list (you can do so by holding CTRL, SHIFT, or by selecting one item and then pressing CTRL+A)
  3. Click Select objects in the model for selected drawings
  4. While parts are selected in the model, click on the background of your 3D view while holding the SHIFT key (this is to avoid parts from getting de-selected)
  5. While still holding SHIFT, right-click then click Hide

This will only leave visible the parts that are not present in the drawing list (Document manager). 

To make sure all Single part drawings are created:

  • From the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings > Master drawing catalog. Because the Master Drawing Catalog opens on a separate window, if you click elsewhere in your Tekla model, the window will hide in the background. You can either set the Catalog as the topmost window by clicking on the pin-like button on the top right or continue to access it from Window's taskbar when it hides.
  • Click the Search button represented by a magnifying glass
  • From the Category pulldown, click Single Part drawings
  • Highlight (click) the option Single Part Drawings with BOM of Secondary Parts only (W)
  • On the top right, choose the option Create drawings for all parts if you don't want to select anything in the model (preferred choice). If you only want to create drawings for selected parts, simply click on Create drawings.

You will receive a notification for the number of drawings created at the bottom of the Create Drawings - Master Drawing Catalog dialog. Also, you can repeat the instructions above to Check after drawings have been created and verify that all drawings were added to the list. 

For additional information on how to Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog, see the linked article. 
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