Copying fully detailed elements

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
all content to another object
copy to another object
Not environment-specific

I have modelled and detailed a concrete beam. I'd like to copy the detailed elements across to another beam but it is at a different elevation and plane, is this possible?

Yes, you could use the Copy special > To another object command. You don't need to know the distance or level you are copying to, as it copies object to object. However, you have to select all the elements you want to copy separately.

An easier approach would be to completely detail the element and once you are happy with it, use the Select assemblies switch in conjunction with the Copy special > All content to another object command. This will copy across everything in one go.

You should bear in mind that if any additional detailing is performed on your original beam, you will need to copy this separately to all your others beams using the Copy special > To another object command. Using the Copy special > All content to another object command at this point would cause the original copied elements to be duplicated.

Let's explore it a little more, in the first example we will copy all content from one beam to another beam of a different size positioned on a different elevation, plane and angle. Then we will copy a cut from one object to another.

Example 1

  1. Select the Select assemblies switch  
  2. Select the element you want to copy (1)
  3. Right-click and select Copy special > All content to another object
  4. Select where you want the element to copy to, pick the destination object (2)

The detailed elements are copied from one object to another.

Example 2

  1. Ensure the Select assemblies switch is OFF
  2. Select the cut/s you want to copy
  3. Right-click and select Copy special > To another object
  4. Select the object to copy from, the source object (1)
  5. Select the object/s to copy to, the destination object/s (2)

The cut is copied from one object to another.

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