Weld joint marking

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures
Not environment-specific

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Purpose and description

Weld joint marking provides the possibility to number welds based on the assembly drawing they belong to and create additional weld joint marks in those drawings to indicate the weld number assigned. This is useful for tracking welds when quality assurance or testing records are needed for each weld in an assembly.

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System requirements

Tekla Structures version: Not version specific
Environments: All

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Installing Weld joint marking

To install the extension:

  1. Download the Weld joint marking installer package from Tekla Warehouse. For more information see Downloading an application from Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Install the file package.


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Using Weld joint marking

  1.  Open a Tekla model.
  2.  Click the Applications & components button 
    in the side pane to open the Applications & components catalog.
  3. Search for Weld joint marking
    and then double-click to open it.

To number weld joints:

  1. Select whether you wish to run numbering for all or selected assembly drawings.
  2. Check the 'Renumber welds' if you wish to renumber.
  3. Click 'Number welds'.
  4. When complete, 'Numbering complete' will appear in the dialog status bar.

To create weld joint marks, once weld joint numbering has been run:

  1. Select whether you wish to mark all or selected assembly drawings.
  2. Set the site and shop weld prefix to use in the mark
  3. Click 'Create weld jont marks'.
  4. When complete, 'Numbering complete' will appear in the dialog status bar.

Note that if a drawing is open, the numbering and marking can only be performed for the open drawing, if it is an assembly drawing.

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Customizing Weld joint marking

Some default settings can be changed by modifying the WeldJointMarking.exe.config file. Editing this file should be done with care and may require administrator rights to locate and edit the file. The file can be found in the Tekla Structures installation folder:
\Tekla Structures\2016\nt\bin\applications\Tekla\Model\

The weld joint marks are created using the 'standard' text object properties. To use a different text property file for the weld joint marks, replace 'standard' in the "MarkProperties" value section with the name of the property file you wish to use.

<setting name="MarkProperties" serializeAs="String">

Note that it is also possible to change the default mark prefixes which appear in the dialog by editing the configuration file.

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Additional information

Numbering is performed as follows:

  • Site welds are numbered first, then shop welds.
  • Numbers start at 1 for each assembly.
  • Site welds are numbered only if they secondary part of the weld is included in the assembly. This is because templates will report welds along with the secondary part, not the main part.
  • The weld number, and just the weld number, is written as an integer to the UDA: DWG_WELD_MARK

It is important to note that weld numbering is performed only for the model welds of the specific assembly instance shown in the drawing. This means that if there are two or more of the same assembly in the model, only the welds of the one assembly which appears in the assembly drawing will have a weld number written to the UDA field.

Weld joint marks are created as follows:

  • Marks are created only for visible weld marks in the drawing.
  • The weld number is always shown with two digits: 01, 02, ... 09, 10, 11, ...
  • If a weld joint mark is created for a weld with no weld joint number, XX will replace the number info.
  • Weld joint marks are placed 'mirrored' horizontally to the visible weld mark.
  • Weld joint marks are just text objects, so will not update if weld joint numbers change. It is necessary to clear and re-create the weld joint marks if weld joint numbering has changed.
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