Additional Bars

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures
additional bars


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Purpose and description

This extension enables user to create additional rebars in slabs very fast and flexible.

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System requirements

This extension is only available for maintenance customers of BuildingPoint Switzerland.
This extension needs Tekla Structures 2020 or newer. Back to top

Installation of Addition Bars

You can download the extension package on Tekla Warehouse.
After the installation, you will find the extesions in application & component sidepane:
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Using Additional Bars


To create Additional Bars, first select a slab, then define the placement by two points:


In the dialog, you can define common rebar settings like diameter or spacing.
With "Length" you can control the length of the rebars.
With "Rebar Side" you can define if the bars should be placed on the top or bottom side of the slab.
With "Orientation" you can define if the bars should be placed left, right or middle to the two points you picked.


You can either modify by using direct modification + contextual toolbar or by changing properties inside the plugin (see next chapter).


If you select the component, you will see handles for the start- and endpoint of the placement as well as dimensionlines for the placement and the rebar length.

The contextual toolbar offers rebar length, rebar side and orientation for fast changes without opening the dialog. 

Modify inside plugin

This plugin can detect changes you made inside. This means you can e.g. change the rebar-diameter, class or similar properties on the RebarSet itself in the property-pane. Therefore you need to switch on 

. If you then select the component, it will load correct settings by using "Get" Button or double-click the component. Please note that it can only detect changes on the properties, but not from the geometry (e.g. rebar length). These values should be changed using dialog or direct modification as mentioned above.

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Known limitations

  • The bars will always be placed horizontally, even though the slab might be sloped.
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