2019i SP8: New features and improvements

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2019i SP8: New features and improvements

Document manager improvements

New buttons in Document manager

  • The commands Lock, Unlock, Freeze, Freeze off, Mark drawing ready for issuing, Unmark drawing ready for issuing, Issue, and Unissue are now available for quick access as buttons at the top of the dialog box. You can hide this set of buttons by clicking the arrow next to the buttons. These commands are still available in the context menu as previously.


Show selected documents only mode improved

  • When you activated the  Show selected documents only mode, Document manager did not show documents that were then created or modified. This has now been fixed so that new and changed documents are shown, as long as they match the active search and selected category criteria. These documents will then appear in the list as unselected to distinguish them from the already selected documents.


Improvement in issuing drawings

  • If you selected a set of drawings to be issued in the Document manager list, and one of the selected drawings has already been issued, then the Issue command was not available in the context menu. The same problem existed with unissuing if one of the selected drawings was not currently issued. This has now been fixed so that the Issue and Unissue context menu commands are always visible regardless of the issuing state of the selected drawings.


Order of drawings in Print Drawings dialog box

  • The order of drawings in the Print Drawings dialog box now matches the order they appeared in Document manager at the point in time when the Print Drawings dialog box was opened.


Curved line accuracy increased in reference models

  • The accuracy of curved lines in reference models has been increased, and now there are four times more segments in curves. Earlier, curved lines sometimes turned into sets of straight lines after reference model insert.

    The LargeTessellationPerCircle setting in the TrimBimPlugin.config configuration file used to be hard coded to 48, now 192 is the default value. If you have problems with the performance, you can decrease the value in TrimBimPlugin.config, which is located in the .\bin\referenceplugin\trimbim folder.

    This setting affects all new inserted and updated reference models. For existing reference models, you need to delete the reference model and reinsert it to use the new value.

    This improvement applies to all reference model formats.



Defect number Development area Description
TSAC-4641 Concrete components Embedded anchor (008): The creation of thickening was not working if the cast unit has some parts under isolation. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4650 Concrete components Reinforced concrete stair (95) : The creation of the last L rebar now works when the No option is used.
TSAC-4679 Concrete components Wall layout T connector: Previously, opening the Wall layout T connector properties from the model could cause Tekla Structures to crash. Now this does not happen anymore.
TSAC-4851 Concrete components Corbel connection (14): Fixed crashes when custom components on the column is created.
TSAC-4883 Concrete components Mesh bars: The Ignore openings smaller than option on the Detailing tab now works correctly again.
TSAC-4906 Concrete components Corbel connection (14): Previously, in some situations, a custom part on the column was created in an unexpected position. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4985 Concrete components Sandwich and double wall: Classes are now correctly set to the main insulation when the insulation is split in one direction. Previously, when you split the insulation in only the horizontal or vertical direction, the middle panels would get properties as if the edge strips were split. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-5033 Concrete components Mesh bars, Mesh bars by area: If the top or bottom cover thickness is negative or bigger than the thickness of the input part, the component now creates rebar groups outside of the concreate part instead of failing.
TSAC-2020 Steel components HSS Brace special (66): Previously, the gusset plate was created with an incorrect shape when the default size values were used. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4020 Steel components Column with stiffeners W (182), Column with stiffeners (186), Column with stiffeners S (187), Column with stiffeners (188): Previously, with some sloped conditions, the bolt edge distance was not correct. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4360 Steel components U.S. Base plate (1047): Previously, the position of holes in the cast plate was incorrect. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4563 Steel components Bent plate (190): Previously, bent plates were not positioned correctly according to the option selected in the component dialog box. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4590 Steel components Cold rolled sleeved (2): Previously, when it was specified that a sleeve profile should be created as a C profile, the sleeve profile was created incorrectly. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4770 Steel components Seating (39): Previously, when the primary part and secondary parts were rotated too much, the connection was broken. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4791 Steel components Splice plate 2 (62): Previously, double plates were not bolted. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4828 Steel components Eaves haunch (102): It is now possible to specify part names.
TSAC-4842 Steel components JP Full depth special (185): Previously, the position of the opposite web stiffener was not correct. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4843 Steel components JP Full depth special (185): Previously, the tab plate was created with incorrect dimensions. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4927 Steel components Z pan (S74): Previously, when the length of the front part of the step was specified as zero, the top step was created incorrectly. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-5121 Steel components Eaves haunch (102): Compensation stiffeners now get the correct part prefix and start number.
TTSD-37961 Steel components Previously, in some situations, similar parts with regular bolt holes and with slotted holes received the same number in numbering. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39164 Steel components Mirroring single leg rebar groups with different From plane values at the start and end now works for all spacing types.
TTSD-41269 Organizer Previously, the project properties were not always exported to the Excel. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34275 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: IFC reference models from Revit did not sometimes include some slabs. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34846 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: Sometimes inserting a reference model failed because of special characters. All characters below 256 are allowed in a reference model file name: both ASCII (0-127) and extended ASCII (128-255).  If the file name contains unsupported characters, you will get a warning message.
TTSD-39788 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: Cyrillic characters are now supported in the path and file name.
TTSD-39966 Import, export, interoperability Security of the Tekla Warehouse connection has been improved.
TTSD-40002 Import, export, interoperability IFC export: The attribute WEIGHT_ONLY_REBARS now gives a correct value for a pour unit instead of 0.0 when exported as a part of an IFC property set.
TTSD-40123 Import, export, interoperability IFC4 export: Exported pour B-reps were sometimes not solid, and the volume calculation from the object failed. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40127 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: Reference model conflicts may cause a situation where the reference model appears with a warning symbol. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40453 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: The IFC2x3 export did not always export surface treatment. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40509 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: The export now works also when you have defined a base point that has a negative north direction angle value.
TTSD-40848 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: The local placement was written incorrectly in mh software, which is why the IfcElementProxy objects were scaled incorrectly in Tekla Structures. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40888 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: In DWG reference models, some short lines were sometimes not shown if there were also relatively long lines in the DWG file. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41410 Import, export, interoperability Export drawings to DWG/DXF: The export no longer crashes if the font is not set for some text elements in the drawing. In this case, Arial will be used by default.
TTSD-41419 Import, export, interoperability Previously, when you imported a user-defined attribute (UDA) that had the special_flag option set to yes, the objects with the UDA were not marked as modified in some cases. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41443 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: The export was not always correct if a part was extended with a fitting. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-42070 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: A Tekla Structures application error occurred when you opened an older version model and then changed to another model without saving the currently open model first. This has now been fixed.
TPLED-189 Templates and reports Template Editor: Template Editor no longer crashes when valuefields with very long rules are copied using the clipboard.
TPLED-191 Templates and reports Template Editor: The grid can again be selected by 1/128 inch steps in environments using imperial units.
TTSD-40216 Templates and reports Summing duplicate valuefield values in the row combine did not work when the valuefield had a CopyField function in the formula. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41615 Templates and reports Properties that use a "." format, such as ASSEMBLY.POUR_UNIT, can now be used to define property sets that report pour unit and pour object properties.
TSAC-4387 Drawings Dimensioning to the nearest edge (Measure from set to Nearest edge) now works correctly also if the main part is filtered away from the view. Previously, the dimension was created to the main part even if the part was invisible.
TSAC-4388 Drawings Shape dimensions now work also when the Measure from setting is set to Part or Filter. Previously, the main part was always included in the dimension line.
TTSD-23117 Drawings The drawing snapshot overlay caused problems when you tried to save the model. Now the snapshot overlay is closed when you save the model.
TTSD-35243 Drawings The drawing layout was sometimes missing from drawing snapshots. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35263 Drawings The cloning of the merged weld marks has been improved.
TTSD-38402 Drawings Previously the Exclude parts according to filter option changed to None if the Top in form face location was changed. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38567 Drawings The default hatch scale when placing a hatch outside a view is now the same as it was in Tekla Structures version 2018.
TTSD-38664 Drawings When the location of one rebar was adjusted manually, some rebar marks, also from other rebars, were moving. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39483 Drawings Document manager: Document manager now ensures a default and stable sort order when identical values are encountered. Previously, several rows could have the same sort property values so their position in the document list could be different, depending on the document events and the order the documents were found.
TTSD-39496 Drawings Drawing view properties (.vi) files were not read from XS_PROJECT/XS_FIRM subfolders. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39632 Drawings The pull-out pictures now appear in rebar dimension marks on rebar sets.
TTSD-39951 Drawings Moving weld marks from one view to another could break the leader line handles. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39974 Drawings Printing to PDF could fail when the drawing contained symbols that had no width or height defined. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40077 Drawings You can now change the units for the cc target element in a drawing mark (UK environment/Cast-in-situ role).
TTSD-40629 Drawings Dragging dimensions in a drawing could cause an application error in some rare cases. This has now been fixed, and the application error no longer occurs.
TTSD-40674 Drawings The ASSEMBLY_POS attribute did not report any value when it was used in bolt marks in drawings. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40703 Drawings The TOP_LEVEL and BOTTOM_LEVEL attributes now give correct values for dimension tags based on the Location by setting of the drawing view.
TTSD-40839 Drawings Rebar placing in drawings could sometimes cause crashing. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40977 Drawings Tekla Structures no longer crashes when you open a specific drawing.
TTSD-41267 Drawings Reference models in drawings: The outline representation now follows the settings of visible layers on the model side. Previously all layers were shown. 
TTSD-41398 Drawings The stability of cloning has been improved.
TTSD-41431 Drawings Polylines in drawings no longer have an extra point at the start.
TTSD-41518 Drawings Creating drawings could sometimes cause a Tekla Structures application error. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41609 Drawings Reinforcement in drawings: Occasionally drawings containing cut reinforcement bars showed circular ends although the bars were not tilted. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41649 Drawings Reference models in drawings: Reference model settings from GA drawing  level were not properly propagated to view level. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41756 Drawings The Cover-up line command did not always hide the underlying object lines correctly. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40833 Tekla Model Sharing Previously, if Tekla Structures crashed or stopped working and you had to end the TeklaStructures process during write out in a shared model, you could not open the model again because of missing drawing files. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41077 Tekla Model Sharing Previously, imported sketched profiles in shared models could have parameters in the wrong order, which resulted in wrong geometry. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41149 Tekla Model Sharing Sketched profiles with variable sections are now updated correctly in shared models.
TTSD-38837 Reinforcement Mirroring single leg rebar groups now works correctly for groups where the first or last bar is excluded.
TTSD-39384 Reinforcement

Previously, From plane offsets for tapered curved rebar groups were not always working correctly. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-3351 Modeling Array of objects (29): Previously, when the copied objects included cuts and the cuts were not included in the component input objects, the cuts were left in the model after copying. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-31138 Modeling Previously, diagnosing and repairing the model sometimes deleted valid parts of custom components when deleting incomplete parts. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33607 Modeling Welds are now listed in the Object locks dialog box.
TTSD-34269 Modeling Previously, it was sometimes not possible to snap to the intersection point of a construction line and a construction circle because the snap zone was too strict. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-37338 Modeling Bolt group lists now support more characters.
TTSD-37917 Modeling Sometimes, after importing a sketched profile, and restarting Tekla Structures, other sketched profiles got corrupted and were showing incorrect properties in the profile catalog. This situation has now been fixed.
TTSD-39520 Modeling View level filters (.vf) files were not read from XS_PROJECT/XS_FIRM subfolders. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39553 Modeling When starting Tekla Structures, an error message is now shown if the user.config file is corrupted.
TTSD-39962 Modeling Previously, negative imperial units were added together in the Move - Linear dialog box, for example. When you entered -3-5, Tekla Structures interpreted it as -8" instead of 3'-5". This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40031 Modeling Previously, using the Undo and Redo commands when modifying user-defined attributes was not notified to applications that needed this information. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40381 Modeling Previously, the Zoom Selected command did not work in the model view if the drawing was open. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40397 Modeling Rebar sets: The hard-coded leg connection tolerance has been changed from 0.001 mm to 1 mm so that small inaccuracies in the leg faces do not prevent the legs from being connected to form one bar.
TTSD-40517 Modeling In some cases, adding edges to items in the geometry editing mode sometimes failed. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41091 Modeling Previously, when creating a construction circle, it was not possible to snap to a part center line. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40297 Core Security fix for the parsing of the environment file profitab.inp
TTSD-40684 Core When saving a model, Tekla Structures could in some cases crash when trying to open the message panel that is not in use anymore. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3234 Tools and components Previously, the pictures that you added in the custom component dialog editor were not shown in the custom component dialog box. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3371 Tools and components In Automatic Splicing Tool, a rebar group of two bars can now be correctly split and spliced and regrouped.
TSAC-4738 Tools and components The Custom Component Dialog Editor tool now supports all the same value types as those available in the custom component properties. This means, for example, that you can now specify a variable value type as shape, which will give you access to the shape catalog in the component dialog box.
TSAC-5020 Tools and components Previously, highlighting selected model points in Layout manager caused an error if Layout manager had not finished creating the tree structure of the group yet. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-20740 Tools and components When importing custom components, if one or more custom components in a .uel file fails to import, the successfully imported components are now available. Previously, they were only available after reopening the model or importing a new .uel file.
TTSD-39559 Tools and components When working with surface treatment inside custom components, each time a custom component was edited or copied, the surface treatment definition points were inserted into the new component twice. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41307 Tools and components Previously, adding a formula, such as "=P1", after a constant value in the custom component editor caused Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41529 Tools and components Previously, closing some dialog boxes could cause memory corruption or crashes. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41836 Tools and components In the Applications and components catalog, the search view was not updated when adding, removing or modifying items, for example macros. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-8122 Tools and components The width of the Save as button has been increased in system component dialog boxes so that the Save as text is now shown correctly.
TTSD-9404 Tools and components Previously, UDA equations could temporarily disappear in the Custom component browser. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-38106 Numbering Reinforcing bar numbers are no longer shown as modified if you change the phase while the XS_​ENABLE_​PHASE_​OPTION_​IN_​NUMBERING advanced option is set to FALSE.
TTSD-40106 User interface You can now modify the rebar set rounding and step tapering properties in the custom component editor.
TTSD-40501 User interface Previously, the hooks in a bent mesh did not keep the Custom hook setting when modifying the hooks in the property pane. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4764 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): The Export project coordinates setting on the SLABDATE block data tab has been improved, and two new options Yes, project base point and Yes, current base point have been added. The option Yes, project base point uses project base point, and the option Yes, current base point uses the base point currently selected in the model. Furthermore, the option Yes has been renamed to Yes, model origin.
TSAC-4815 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik export (79): For double walls, a different modeling method and the cast unit hierarchy caused that not all panels were correctly handled in the export. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4926 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): You can now export line cuts, fittings and chamfers as MOUNPART block using the new setting Export cut edges on the Embeds tab. The geometry will be a simple line, and the MOUNPARTs have fixed names. Line cuts and fittings are plotted along the cut edge. Chamfers are plotted at the inner line of the chamfered edge.
TSAC-4966 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export EliPLAN file (68): Previously, weep holes were sometimes generated outside the element. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4967 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, no line attributes were recognized for edges that were diagonally cut completely. Now they can be scanned as chamfers or special formwork by managing the setting for chamfer maximum width.
TSAC-4979 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, in line attribute scanning, partial cuts at the edge of the element could occasionally cause other nearby edges to also have special formwork code. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4990 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Insulation exported as panel layer is now exported with correct layer type 02.
TSAC-5092 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): A new option Export shell gap width has been added on the SLABDATE block data tab to control or disable the export of the gap width value. The options are No - no gap is exported, Double wall only - the gap is exported only for double walls, and Layered panels - the gap is exported for all panels with multiple concrete layers, such as double walls and sandwich walls. The default option is Double walls only, as the value should only be used with double walls in most control systems.
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