Dimension rebars with Rebar group dimensioning application

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Dimension rebars with Rebar group dimensioning application

The Rebar group dimensioning application offers different styles for presenting rebar group dimension lines and dimension marks flexibly. For example, you can mark and dimension multiple stirrups at one go. The Rebar group dimensioning helps you to efficiently create quality reinforcement drawings according to the market requirements.

Add dimensions to rebar groups

  1. In a drawing, select the rebar groups to be dimensioned.
  2. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to open the Applications & components catalog.
  3. Click the arrow next to Applications to open the applications list.
  4. In the Applications list, select Rebar group dimensioning.
  5. Pick a location for the dimension line in the model.
  6. Double-click the dimension to adjust the settings:
    • On the Parameters tab, define what the dimensions look like and what it contains. You can also define the content of the stirrup dimension marks.

    • On the Extra marks in front and Extra marks behind tabs, create an extra mark in front of or behind the dimension line.

    • On the Advanced settings tab, define the offsets, spaces and cc distances for the stirrup dimension marks.

    • On the Rebar lines tab, define the generation and the appearance of the leader lines belonging to the stirrup dimensions.

    For more information about the settings, see Rebar group dimensioning settings below.

  7. Click Modify.

Rebar group dimensioning settings

Parameters tab

Setting Options and descriptions

Annotation type

Select the annotation type. The options are:


Define the positioning of the mark. The available options depend on the selected Annotation type option. You can also define the mark angle in the Angle box. The options are:

Mark position examples:

In the example below, the mark angle has been defined.

Group number

Define the number and the location of the mark leader lines. You can also indicate which group you are working with by entering the group number in the Group number box.

This option is available for certain annotation types only. The options are:

In the following example, group number 2 is defined.

In the following example, group number 2 is defined.

Consider irregular spaces as separate groups



Dimension each CC distance



Combine dim. between rebar - dim.

Allows you to combine the dimensions of the distance between two rebar groups with the dimensions of the rebar group where the spacing is the same as the distance between the groups. It also combines the first/last group dimension line with the distance to the part end if the distance to the border is the same as the rebar group spacing.

For an example, see the section "More examples" below.

Distribution line properties

Select the desired dimension properties for the displayed dimension line by selecting a dimension properties file. The available properties are the ones that have been defined and saved in Dimension Properties.

Available elements

Select the information to be displayed in the mark such as grade, diameter and cc distances for mark 1 and mark 2.

Elements in mark

List of the information that you have selected to display in mark 1 and mark 2.

Text properties

Define the text properties. The available properties files are the ones that have been defined and saved in Text properties.


Select where you want to place the mark. The options are:

  • Automatic : Mark 1 is positioned above the dimension text, when the dimension is above the part, and under the dimension text when the dimension is under the part.

  • Above dim. text : Mark 1 is always positioned above the dimension text.

  • Below dim. line : Mark 1 is always positioned below the dimension text.

When placing the mark, the dimension text font size for the above text position and the spacing values defined on the Advanced settings tab for both positions are considered. This setting is only available for the non-radial annotation types.


Define the units:

  • Automatic

  • mm

  • cm

  • m

  • foot - inch

  • inch

Only available for the following mark content:

  • Length

  • Cc

  • cc min

  • cc max

  • cc exact

  • cc target

  • Length itemized


Define the format:

  • ###

  • ###[.#]

  • ###[.##]

  • ###[.###]

  • ###.#

  • ### #/#

  • ###.##

  • ###.###

Only available for the following mark content:

  • Length

  • Cc

  • cc min

  • cc max

  • cc exact

  • cc target

  • Length itemized


Define the precision:

  • 0.00
  • 0.50
  • 0.33
  • 0.25
  • 1/8
  • 1/16
  • 1/32
  • 1/10
  • 1/100
  • 1/1000

For example, for precision 0.33, the actual value 50.40 is displayed as 50.33.

1/8, 1/16, and 1/32 are for imperial units.

1/10, 1/100, and 1/1000 are used for defining precision without rounding.

Sum values A B C

Sum segm rebar axis

Length TplEd

These options are only available for the following mark content:

  • Length

  • Cc

  • cc min

  • cc max

  • cc exact

  • cc target

Mark 2 position

Define whether and how the rebar position is displayed in mark 2. The options are:


Before main mark

Behind main mark

Above main mark

Below main mark

Mark 2 frame

Select the frame type and color for the mark 2.

This option is available for certain annotation types only. The options are:

Extra marks in front and Extra marks behind tabs

Setting Options and descriptions

Marks in front of the dimension line

To create marks in front of the dimension line, select Yes. No is the default value.

Marks behind the dimension line

To create marks behind the dimension line, select Yes. No is the default value.

Available elements

Select the information to be displayed in the mark in front of or behind the dimensions line.

Elements in mark

List of the information that you have selected to display in the mark in front of or behind the dimensions line.

Text properties

Define the text properties for the marks. The available properties files are the ones that have been defined and saved in Text properties.


Define whether and how the rebar position is displayed in marks. The options are:


Before main mark

Behind main mark

Text properties

Define the text properties for the rebar position. The available properties files are the ones that have been defined and saved in Text properties.


Define the units:

  • Automatic

  • mm

  • cm

  • m

  • foot - inch

  • inch

Only available for the following


  • Length

  • Cc

  • cc min

  • cc max

  • cc exact

  • cc target

  • Length itemized


Define the format:

  • ###

  • ###[.#]

  • ###[.##]

  • ###[.###]

  • ###.#

  • ### #/#

  • ###.##

  • ###.###

Only available for the following mark content:

  • Length

  • Cc

  • cc min

  • cc max

  • cc exact

  • cc target

  • Length itemized


Define the precision:

  • 0.00
  • 0.50
  • 0.33
  • 0.25
  • 1/8
  • 1/16
  • 1/32
  • 1/10
  • 1/100
  • 1/1000

For example, for precision 0.33, the actual value 50.40 is displayed as 50.33.

1/8, 1/16, and 1/32 are for imperial units.

1/10, 1/100, and 1/1000 are used for defining precision without rounding.

Sum values A B C

Sum segm rebar axis

Length TplEd

These options are only available for the following mark content:

  • Length

  • Cc

  • cc min

  • cc max

  • cc exact

  • cc target

Mark placement settings

The options 3 is the default option.

(1) All the marks are placed above the dimension line.

(2) The middle of the last mark is on the the dimension line.

(3) The middle (calculated in the dir. - to the dimension line) of the mark group is on the dimension line. This is the default option.

(4) The dimension line is extended between the marks.

  • If there is only one mark, it is placed above the line.

  • If there are two marks, one mark is placed above and the other under the line.

  • If there are three marks, two marks are placed above and one mark is placed under the line.

(5) The middle of the first mark is on the dimension line.

(6) All marks are placed under the dimension line.

The parameters a, b, c1 and c2 are needed to get the desired distances between the marks and the dimension line.

The default values are:

a = 1

b = 1

c1 = 5

c2 = 5

Advanced settings tab

Setting Options and descriptions

First mark spacing

Enter a millimeter value to indicate the space between the dimension line and the first line of dimension mark text.

You can also define the first mark distance when the label is below the dimension line.

Space between Mark1 and Mark2

Define the space between mark 1 and mark 2

Free space below text / Dimension line spacing

If you select Free space below text , enter a millimeter value to indicate the space between the last line of dimension mark text and the next dimension line.

If you select Dimension line spacing and enter a millimeter value to indicate the space between two or more dimension lines.

Text offset dimension line

Group dimensions

Control if dimensions are grouped or not. Grouping also works when the distance between the groups is zero.

Grouping tolerance

Define whether double stirrup groups are combined into one dimension line.

If the distance between the stirrups (in the image below 12 mm) is greater than the entered value (=10 mm), two dimension lines are created:

Group mark spacing

Enter a millimeter value to indicate the space between several lines of dimension mark text.

Part extrema

Define how to close the dimension lines on the contour of the concrete part. The following options are available:


The dimension line is always positioned on the outermost lines of the concrete part.

The dimension line is positioned to the nearest side/geometry point of the concrete part relative to the picked insertion point of the dimension line (plugin). See the examples below.

Rebar lines tab

On the Rebar lines tab, you can define the generation and the appearance of the leader lines and symbols of the dimension line. You adjust the settings of Not visualized rebars , Visualized rebars , Group end rebars and Part edges.

Setting Options and descriptions

Not visualized rebars

Visualized rebars

Group end rebars

Applied to the first and last bar in the group.

Part edges

Define the generation of the leader lines and symbols for the Not visualized rebars or Visualized rebars. The options are:

No leader lines or symbols.

Leader lines. Define the length of the leader lines relative to the dimension line.

Leader lines and symbols. Define the length of the leader lines relative to the dimension line.

Leader lines. Define the length of the leader lines relative to the contour of the concrete part.

Leader lines and symbols. Define the length of the leader lines relative to the contour of the concrete part.

Leader lines. Define the length of the leader lines relative to the rebar.

Leader lines and symbols. Define the length of the leader lines relative to the rebar.

Symbols only

Define the generation of the leader lines and symbols for the Part edges.

See the examples for the option Not visualized rebars above.

The following options are available:


Define the generation of the leader lines and symbols for the contour of the concrete part

See the examples for the option Not visualized rebars above.

The following options are available:

Define the color and the line type for the various leader line types.

Define whether all leader lines and symbols are shown for Visualized rebars and if this should be done for one single rebar only. The following options are available:

Define the symbol file and symbol number to be used. You can use existing symbols in Tekla Structures by selecting a symbol file and a symbol number. You can also define the color and the size of the symbol.

Symbols are defined separately for Not visualized rebars , Visualized rebars , Group end rebars and Part edges


More examples

Example of the setting Combine dim. between rebar - dim. on the Parameters tab

  • In the example below, the first dimension from the top shows the rebar groups (blue color) with the distances between the groups (green color) plus the distances to the part ends (grey color). Dimensions are not combined.

  • The second dimension shows the same situation with marked equalities between the drawing rebar group spacing (cc) and the distances between the groups.

  • In the third dimension, the new combining type Consider same spacings has been applied. The green distances between the two blue rebar groups have been combined with the group that has the same spacing (cc) as the distance between the groups.

  • The combining has also been applied to the gray distance to the part end because the distance to the part end is the same as the spacing (cc) of the adjacent rebar group.

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