New way to find and select objects in model and drawings: Select by identifier

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

New way to find and select objects in model and drawings: Select by identifier

In Tekla Structures 2019 you can easily locate and select objects when you know the GUID (globally unique identifier), the ID of an object, or the IFC GUID of a reference object. This works both in the modeling mode and in the drawing mode.

Reports and log files often contain information about the object GUID or ID. Previously, if you wanted to find these objects in the model or drawings, you had to define a view filter or selection filter with the specific GUIDs or IDs. Now you can use the new Select by identifier command to find the objects based on their GUID or ID. You can also use the IFC GUIDs of IFC reference objects. This is useful if you need to track updates and changes in IFC reference models.

Additionally, by using the Select by identifier command, you can inquire the GUIDs of selected objects, instead using the traditional inquiry.

To Do this
Find objects based on the object GUID, ID, or IFC GUID identifier
    • In the modeling mode: on the ribbon, click the small down arrow next to the arrow button, and then click Select by identifier.
    • In the drawing mode: in Quick Launch , type Select by identifier.

    The Select by identifier dialog box opens.

  1. Copy the object identifier, for example from a log file, to the dialog box.

    You can enter multiple identifiers in the dialog box. Either enter each identifier on its own row, or separate them with semicolon ;.

  2. To define the search, select the needed check boxes.
    • Reference objects : Tekla Structures selects IFC objects based on their GUID or IFC GUID.
    • Keep selection : Tekla Structures keeps the currently selected object and appends it with new selection.
    • Zoom to selected : Tekla Structures selects the object and zooms to it.
  3. Click Select.

    Tekla Structures selects the objects based on the GUID in the model or in the drawing.

    If there are identifiers that are not found in the model or in the drawing, they are listed in the status bar as identifier?.

Find a model object in a drawing

You can select an object in a model, get its identifier, and then find it in a drawing based on the identifier.

  1. In the modeling mode: on the ribbon, click the small down arrow next to the arrow button, and then click Select by identifier.

    The Select by identifier dialog box opens.

  2. Select an object or objects in the model.
  3. Click Get.

    The Select by identifier dialog box lists the identifiers of the selected objects.

    If you want to get IFC GUIDs, ensure that the Reference objects check box is selected.

  4. Keep the dialog box open.
  5. Open a drawing.
  6. In the drawing mode, click Select to find the objects in the drawing.

    You can then continue working with the found objects.

Find a drawing object in a model

You can select an object in a drawing, get its identifier, and then find it in a model based on the identifier.

  1. In the drawing mode: in Quick Launch , type Select by identifier.

    The Select by identifier dialog box opens.

  2. Select an object or objects in the drawing.
  3. Click Get.

    The Select by identifier dialog box lists the identifiers of the selected objects.

  4. Keep the dialog box open.
  5. Close the drawing.
  6. In the modeling mode, click Select to find the objects in the model.

    You can then continue working with the found objects.

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