Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

The Hollowcore “Automated Reinforcement Generator” (HC-ARG) component enables Tekla Structures to accurately model all typical hollowcore reinforcement. Use the tabs in the component dialog box to load a previously saved HC (Hollowcore) reinforcement scheme, or new reinforcement scheme.

Defining properties

Use the following tabs in the Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60) dialog box to define the properties of the objects that this component creates:



See also

Strand template

The allowable grid points for strands within the stem cross section. You can specify the number and arrangement of vertical strand planes in each stem, along with the vertical distances between grid points in each plane. Strands are defined by their row and column number within the grid, but the template allows for a mixture of regular and irregular grid points with respect to the vertical axis.

Strand template

Strand pattern

The actual strand definitions. You place strands in the stem by defining the grid points from the strand template for each end of the strand element. You also define size, and other reinforcement properties for the strands.

Strand pattern


Strands, Store strand code, Strand code, Create strand at voids.


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