Add manual weld marks in drawings

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Add manual weld marks in drawings

You can add both model weld marks and drawing weld marks manually in drawings. Model weld marks refer to welds that have been created in the model. Drawing weld marks do not have an associated physical weld in the model.

Add manual drawing weld marks

You can add manual weld marks in an open drawing. Tekla Structures creates manual weld marks using the properties in the Weld Mark Properties dialog box.

  1. Hold down Shift and, on the Drawing tab, click Weld mark to open the Weld Mark Properties dialog box.
  2. Enter or modify the content and the appearance of the weld mark.
  3. To exactly place the weld mark in the position you pick and keep it there, click the Place... button and select fixed in the Placing list.
  4. Click Apply or OK to save the properties.
  5. Pick a position for the weld mark.

    You can drag the created drawing weld mark freely to a more suitable location by the leader base point handle.

Add manual model weld marks

You can add marks to model weld marks in an open drawing. Tekla Structures creates model weld marks using the properties defined for the model weld in the model. You can adjust the visibility and appearance settings of the weld mark in the drawing.

  1. Open a drawing that contains welds created in the model.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select a model weld.
    • Select several model welds using the Select welds switch and area selection, or Drawing content manager.

    If you cannot see any welds in the drawing, check the weld visibility settings in the view properties.

  3. Right-click and select Add Weld Mark.
  4. To modify the visibility and appearance settings of the model weld mark :
    • Double-click a weld mark in the drawing, and adjust the properties.
    • Select several model welds using the Select welds switch and area selection, or Drawing content manager. When the welds are selected, right-click and select Select weld marks and From current drawing view or From all drawing views. Activate all selection switches again. Then press down Shift and double-click a weld mark, and adjust the properties.

    Note that you cannot drag the mark away from the associated weld, but you can only drag it along the weld seam.

    Also note that when a weld mark is added through context menu, it is now visible even if its size is below the minimum weld size limit defined in drawing view settings.

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